
What they said about Pee Wee Russell [1]

Sketch by fellow musician and friend, Jimmy Hamilton

“When I first heard him on the radio, I thought there was something wrong with my radio. I said “What is this noise – it’s not an instrument.” That’s the first impression someone who doesn’t know will get of him. But when you listen to him play, you know how very modern he is. Technically, he was never limited. He had everything he needed. Technique has nothing to do with music and Pee Wee was interested in music, not technique.”

[Ruby Braff]


“Cuando lo oí por primera vez en la radio, pensé que mi aparato estaba estropeado. Me dije “¿Qué es este ruido? No es un instrumento.” Esa es la primera impresión que recibe quien no lo conoce. Pero cuando le escuchas tocar, te das cuenta de lo moderno que es. Nunca fue limitado técnicamente. Tenía todo lo que necesitaba. La técnica no tiene nada que ver con la música y Pee Wee estaba interesado en la música, no en la técnica.”

[Ruby Braff]

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